Hampton Roads Golf Series
End of Year Survey
Now that the 2024/25 Season is over, I would like to get honest feedback on how you think the winter tour went. No feelings will be hurt. I want to grow the winter tour and the only way to do that is to get feedback from the players.
Some of the suggestions that have already been communicated to me are the following:
- Team Mulligans Instead of Player Mulligans: Meaning one person from the team can use both mulligans rather than each team member having one mulligan.
- Add Modified Alternate Shot to Rotation.
- Reduce event points by 25% for Teams that Use a Sub: Meaning a team that needs a sub for an event will only get 75% of the points for that event. Example: Winner of a 1 day event receives 500 points. If a team with a sub wins this event, they would only receive 375 points rather than 500.
- Adjust team indexes throughout the season.